Update: July 16, 2021

East Preston is getting an active transportation path along Highway 7.
An 1.3-kilometre asphalt pathway will provide safe and convenient connections for residents to walk and bike to key services in the community like the community daycare and the recreation centre. 
All three levels of government are funding the $1.5 million project, with the federal government is contributing $600,000, the province giving $500,000 and the municipality kicking in $400,000.
Construction is expected to start early next summer and wrap up by the spring of 2023.

Greenway/Trail – East Preston AT Committee

The East Preston Active Transportation (AT) Committee is a group of East Preston residents who together with the Rural Access to Physical Activity (RAPA) – East Preston Action Team have been working to make East Preston a safer and more walkable community for the last few years.  


Some of our recent accomplishments include:

1. the development of East Preston’s Active Transportation (AT) Plan 

2. a blueprint 

3. a 5 min. video that highlights some of the safety and walkability issues our community has been facing for such a long time, and

4. securing HRM’s Regional Council’s unanimous approval for adding parts of the EP AT Plan to HRM’s AT Priorities Plan, specifically the building of a 1.5-3m wide greenway along Highway 7, and financial commitment to build Phase 1 of this greenway within the next two years — cost-sharing request HRM submitted to the province last July and only awaiting final approval.

We’re currently working on ensuring that other key AT-friendly elements, including lower speed limits as well as improved bus stops and service, are implemented within the next 2-5 years as recommended on the East Preston AT Plan.  Once implemented, this plan will allow not only us to be able to walk and bike safely around, but also benefit our physical and mental health and that of future generations.


 Our committee meets approximately once per month for 1.5 hours in the evening — usually on the third Tuesday of the month.  In between meetings we follow up on agreed upon actions to move the work forward.   

If you’d like to know more about our work, interested in joining our group or help out with our cause, please send us an email at eastprestonactiveplan@gmail.com